Don't miss Tim Jackson's interview of Tim Parr, Swobo's founder, and Sky Yeager, product manager, if you want to know what makes this newly resurrected brand tick.
But for those of you wondering how Swobo maintains that cult-like following, the secret lies in this one quote from Tim Parr:
The Swobo brand is unique. It’s rare that a name can dissapear for 5 years, then come back stronger than it was when it was originally operating. Why? Because we represent an idea within bike culture, and not STUFF within bike culture. There’s a huge difference there that would take awhile to explain….so I’ll leave it at that. Our strategic advantage is that the bike industry (culturally) is fixated on stuff…and not ideas.
The man's a brilliant marketer, though I'm certain he doesn't see it that way. Brands like Swobo's aren't made, their lived. And that's the difference.