I finally did it.
Got my wife out on the trail this weekend.
First time since college...gulp...nearly 14 years ago.
She's only truly mountain biked maybe 3 or 4 times.
So for all intents and purposes, this was really like a first ride.
And she's damn good too.
Great actually!
I really believe that she's got some serious potential to go far on the bike if she wants it.
She's strong...works out nearly every day.
She cleaned just about everything the trail threw at her.
She rolled over logs like they were nothing.
I couldn't believe it actually.
Showed much poise and balance.
Very light on the bike.
Learned the attack position...downhill stance with weight over the rear wheel.
Rarely needed to take a break...even after walking a short stretch up a steep hill...
She'd get to the top...take a gulp of water and say 'let's go.'
Shit she's hot.
A regular milf, if I do say so myself.
Well...from your perspective, since I already do that...but I digress.
Said she may try to hook up on some beginner rides with the other 'girls' in the area.
That would take things to a new level.
Means that she would need to get more comfortable doing things with the bike on her own.
Load bike into car...check tire pressure...reset the chain when it falls off...you know...stuff like that.
All stuff that she currently takes for granted that I will do.
The best part was that we didn't argue at all.
Well, there was that scuffle in the parking lot as she changed into her bike shorts.
Had to wrestle that thong away from her as she was convinced I had ulterior motives for telling her that you do not wear underwear with padded bike shorts.
Says she wants to 'go clipless.'
A couple more rides and she'll be ready.
She does seem to be getting a bit cocky though.
When we arrived home and I was lifting her bike off of the roof rack she said, "are my tires flat? I rode pretty hard today."
Ok, baby, you're not that good. Yet.
Don't worry...she wore a helmet on our ride. These photos are from a staged photo shoot we did in the early spring - I forgot the camera. Flirtees sent K-girl the Dirt Flirt t-shirt to try and we had one of our friends, a semi-pro photographer take some shots. Pretty cool stuff (check out more from the shoot)...if you're in the Northern Virginia/Washington D.C. area and want some quality photos of the family or an event check out James Harrington.
Bike Magazine and Dirt Rag start blogs
Nevertheless, magazines have a role to play in that they have considerable resources that the everyman blogger does not. One of the biggest advantages is that they are able to attend numerous press events, trade shows, festivals, and races. This gives them access to breaking news and information as well as the ability to interact face-to-face with industry insiders. Its the monthly publishing cycle, however, that limits their ability to leverage this advantage over the many bloggers out there trying to keep up with happenings in the sport that they love.
How do you solve this problem? Why, start a blog, of course.
Well that's exactly what both Bike Magazine and Dirt Rag have done. Good for them too. Now they won't be letting that first mover advantage go to waste. This is a great move for each of these publishers as I am sure that over time they will find that the blog will only serve to bolster their credibility. In addition, the blog will serve to humanize the magazine a bit more. While there is no doubt that the magazine itself takes on a personality of its own, it is sometimes difficult to get a feel for the individual voices that do the writing. Not only that, but readers will be able to comment in real time which will no doubt help the writers of feature stories for print get an idea of how people may react to certain points of view, product launches, news, etc.
Ok...enough pontificating. Here's what I suggest. Now, keep in mind each of these blogs is brand new and have not yet hit their stride. Head on over for a visit and subscribe to the feeds as I have done. In a couple of months I'll do a follow up and we'll see where they stand.
(Photo via Flickr)
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