How do I know that the new stage race that is simply titled Seven will be world class?
Because the website is so damn cool, plus the organizers have impressive biographies, and Jeff Kerkove wants in.
The race will be seven stages ranging in distance from 50 to 100 kilometers starting in Victoria and ending in the famed Whistler. Scheduled for July 1 - 7, 2007, the organizers describe the race as follows:
Seven is much more than the challenge of the's about everything experienced along the way - spectacular scenery, fascinating culture, interesting people, and tantalizing tastes. The stages of SEVEN wind through nine beautiful west coast communities, each showcasing unique qualities and elements that make British Columbia a world-class destination for athletes, adventurers and tourists alike.
Registration information is not yet available, however, it promises to provide a comparable experience to that of the other major (think grand tour) mtb stage races including, Trans Rockies, La Ruta, and The Cape Epic.