Because you suck!
Ok...just kidding...I couldn't resist. Actually, it's because mountain biking takes skill and skill takes practice to refine. Even if you go out to ride with a plan to work on a specific skill if you are not doing it right than you may be doing more harm than good in the long run. So says Gene Hamilton, former pro downhiller and owner of the Better Ride coaching company, in this fantastic interview conducted by Ashwin for The Biking Hub.
Ashwin has a penchant for the technical aspects of the sport, but he always seems to break it down to the bare essence. I love this question he asks of Hamilton:
"Why does it seem there is resistance to mountain biking skills coaching? People don’t think twice about golf lessons?"
The great thing about Hamilton's answers is that he really seems to understand human behavior and how adults learn. His method seems simple without being patronizing.
In the interview you'll find out
- why reading a book on skills will only get you so far
- that men and women approach learning skills differently
- why you should ride with a purpose
My advice...leave the opening question until the end. You'll care more.
I'm convinced. Now if only I could find some more time.