If, like me, you are a fan of the Making it Easier blog you have probably wondered why posts have been so sporadic these last few weeks. Well it seems that MIE's editor has been hard at work with a new project. Today Cory Hemminger of British Columbia has launched his new venture called The Biking Hub.
Cory has ambitious goals for the site, producing original content several times a week. Unlike with Making it Easier, this time he will have some help with a roster of contributors that have complementary talents and knowledge in cycling. The roster includes a couple of freeriders from Cory's own neck of the woods, a "bike freak" from Ontario, and Ashwinearl - cross-country rider from Virginia and Team MWC, FTJ, NGT fame.
One thing that I really liked about MIE was the product reviews. The reviews were written from the point of view a genuine rider yet included the detail that one expects from an in-depth magazine review. A brief look at some of the new content up at "the Hub" proves that this type of review continues (check out new contributor Dan's first look at the Cannondale Rush).
I've got high expectations for the new site as there will be a ton of new mountain bike information out there to mull over. And finally the ability to add comments. You'll notice, however, that the name is The Biking Hub and not The Mountain Biking Hub. Could this be a harbinger of things to come?