I became aware of two really great visual mountain biking tutorials in the MORE Forums that are just begging to be released to a wider audience.
The first one regarding log-hopping technique was posted by Rickyd aka drevil (founder of Bikecentric, a cool local group blog). He posted a frame-by-frame pictorial with description of each step in a basic log-hop. It was really well done (photography by Joe Foley) and worth checking out for beginners and skilled alike.
The second was a video tutorial posted by Flowmaster in the MTBR.com Forums (here's the thread). In this tutorial, he teaches the basics of bunny-hopping. A quick review of Flowmaster's site shows that he plans to continue developing the excellent tutorials (check them out).
What great examples of how everyday mountain bike enthusiasts give back to the community. I'll try not to say it too loud, but if either of these guys packaged these up just right they could probably make some money on this type of content. I think everyday riders are screaming for tutorials like these as evidenced by the popularity of these forum threads.