I know that Tire Pumps aren't the hottest thing to talk about, but they serve a very important purpose. In addition, some are well designed, and some are crap. My advice: don't buy a cheap pump. Just put that $9.99 super special cheap piece of crap down, and walk away man...just walk away. The G-man has a cheap pump, and it shows. He's huffing and puffing every time he needs to pump up a tire (which is all the time cuz he's the pinch flat king). Also, the guage on his pump is all over the place, resembling a compass caught in a magnetic storm. Who knows how much pressure is the G-man's tires? That is unless, of course, he is using my Park. This is happening more and more lately, and each time I get the same snappy comment from him: "I gotta get a better pump. Mine sucks!"
The Park is a champ. It pumps quickly, and the display is very readable. The dual head fits Presta and Schrader valves. I picked up my Park while I was on vacation in PA, and paid way too much. You can find it at Performance for $24.99. I try to justify most of my bike related purchases on a "cost per ride" basis. The more I ride, the more I use these items, and thus, the lower the cost per ride. Pumps have a similar ratio, but you want this ratio to be as high as possible. It's fine to have a high "cost per pump" ratio - this metric is telling you if the pump is doing what it was designed to do. If you buy a cheap pump you'll end up like the G-man pumping, huffing, and puffing until the tire "feels right", or you'll look like a mooch to all your riding buddies cuz you contantly borrow theirs.
Bottom Line: A great buy, and a must have.